Friday, February 20, 2009

Latest visit to Orfanatorio de Mazatlan

Greg has been keeping very busy this week at the orphanage. Among other projects, he has been working on painting this cement water cistern that is located in the patio area. It has been part of the orphanage since it opened it's doors in 1926. They recently painted the entire patio area and the cistern was red and they wanted it to match. They asked Greg if he would paint it for them. They are getting the orphanage spruced up for the annual fundraiser/musical on March 20th.

After many coats of paint, Greg is almost done and it looks great.

This is two year old Pablo. He has been at the orphanage since he was 6 months old.

While Greg paints, I played with Pablo. We played a game of picking up the leaves that have fallen from the mango trees in the patio. He was entertained for quite some time with picking them up and putting them in the trash.

This week at the orphanage a group of students from Sacramento where there. This is their 3rd year coming down and donating their time. This is a picture of the group that was on the information board.

Two of the girls are sorting school supplies that the group from Sacramento brought down with them.

One of the older girls is helping the younger girl with spelling.

It was interesting, there were these sticky notes on many of the doors that were the English equivalent of Spanish words. Please double-click the photo and you can make out the words. Great Spanish lesson. :)

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