Friday, February 09, 2007

Mazatlan Carnaval

This event is gearing up here in Mazatlan and starts on February 15th. Carnaval here is unlike any carnaval you have ever heard or been to. In fact, it is the 3rd largest Mardi Gras in the world, next to New Orleans and Rio. We understand it is big, huge, enormous!! It takes over the whole city and schools and banks are closed. We have heard it is just a huge party day and night for a week. Lots of events go along with it such as the coronation of the carnaval queen, parades, fireworks etc. So it should be quite a time here in Maz. Here is a link to some information on carnaval. Be sure to turn your volume down if you open the official site.

This picture is of one of the many enormous paper statues that have been erected in the Machado (old town) and along the malecon. They announce the arrival of carnaval. They tie in with the theme of carnaval this year, "The Enchantments of the Old Port". This picture is of the Fairy statue in the Machado. Greg and I will be taking more photos of the other statues along the malecon, which is where we live, tonight. So please take a look at our blog in the next few days for that posting.

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