Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre-holiday visit from the kids

The kids table is set for our dinner with everyone.

The adult table is set too.

Natalie and her mom, Laura, enjoying a little coloring while they wait for dinner.

Andrew watching tv while he waits.

And dinner is served. We had baked ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls and pumpkin and apple pies with cool whip for dessert.

Then the grandkids opened their Christmas presents from us.

Andrew was so happy with his K'nex airplane and helicopter.

Brian, Andrew's daddy, helps him put his airplane together.

Grandpa and Melanie, Justin's mommy, help him put his K'nex spider together.

Laura and Natalie getting to know each other with the "Mom and Me" book.

Andrew's finished K'nex airplane.

Brian and Andrew

Melanie and Justin

Another project for Andrew and his daddy.

We woke up to about an inch of snow. Natalie making snowballs.

Natalie and cousin Justin.

Andrew's finished helicopter.

Natalie getting warmed up after playing in the snow.

And enjoying a cup of hot cocoa.

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