Saturday, November 15, 2008

What we've been up to lately........

Well over the past 5 weeks, Greg and I have been very busy dieting. We've been on a 6 week high protein diet - consuming 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. It has required alot of preparation but it's been worth it. The aim of this diet is to increase your metabolism so you can burn more calories, hence, lose more weight. We have both lost 10 pounds and are still loosing. We have 1 more week on the diet but we will still have a few pounds to loose. We are hoping with eating healthy, watching our calorie consumption and working out, the rest of the weight will come off.

We will be going off the diet just in time for "Turkey Day"! Boy are we looking forward to some pumpkin pie and whipping cream. Yummmmmmmm!!

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