Sunday, August 03, 2008

American Cancer Society Relay for Life

This past weekend Greg and I participated in the "Relay for Life" out in Selah. Selah is a small town just 15 minutes from Yakima. I was on the "Curves for Women" team. My sister, Deannie and her husband Scott own a Curves in Selah and I have been working out there since we moved to Yakima.

The event was about celebration, remembrance, and hope. By participating, we honored cancer survivors, payed tribute to the lives we've lost to the disease, and raised money to help fight cancer all right there in that small community of Selah. As most of you know, my sister, Deannie has been fighting breast cancer for about 6 months now and has just completed her last chemotherapy treatment. She still has to undergo radiation but she is truly a fighter and an inspiration for all of us. She was honored along with many other cancer survivors over the weekend. Greg and I were very grateful to have had the opportunity to be by her side to support and honor her in her struggle to fight cancer.

Here are a few pictures from the two day event that raised, from 247 participants and 13 teams, as of Sunday, $37,158.21. This is excellent for such a small community and their first year of sponsoring the "Relay for Life". The "Curves for Women" team came in first place at $4,041.78. They still have until the end of August to receive more donations.

I want to thank all of you who generously supported me to celebrate those who have survived cancer, remembering the people we've lost, and supporting the lifesaving mission of the American Cancer Society. You have helped to deliver the hope that future generations will not have to endure cancer threatening the lives of their friends and family. You helped to fight back against a disease that affects millions.

During the two day relay, there were many funny games, great music, etc. to keep the participants entertained as they kept the relay going for 24 hours.

In the photo below, the men were challenged to dress up in women's clothing and the guy that raised the most in donations during his lap around the track, got a prize.

There was lots of great music to keep us going and even some belly dancers.

Also, the chicken dance.

This is the "Curves for Women" team camp.

Deannie and her sister-in-law, Mary quilted this blanket and it brought in $400 from a raffle. The money went to the American Cancer Society for cancer research.

As the sun sat on Saturday night the luminaries were lit. They were to remember those we have lost to cancer and honor those who are survivors.

The track was lined with hundreds of luminaries. It was a beautiful sight.

As we lined up for one final lap around the track on Sunday, Deannie is again given more words of encouragement and support.

Deannie, shielding from the hot sun by her husband Scott, helped lead the participants in the final lap of the "Relay for Life".

It was a very emotional moment for all and especially for my sister who has just completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy.

My sister, Deannie, a true fighter and survivor of breast cancer. She is a wonderful inspiration for us all.

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