Sunday, July 20, 2008

The wait is over - Baby Lucas is here!!

As we mentioned a few posts ago, we have been waiting for the call letting us know our 6th grandchild is about to be born. The due date for Josh and Kristi's baby boy was July 8th. One week after his due date, on Tuesday, July 15th, we got a call that Kristi had gone to the hospital to be induced. We packed our bags and rushed over the mountains to Renton just to find out nothing was happening. However, the next morning things started to happen and at 4:01 pm on Wednesday, July 16th Lucas Anthony Juette was born at a whopping 9 pounds 7 1/2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. He is a beautiful baby boy and he and mommy are doing great. Of course, Josh and Kristi are experiencing some sleep deprivation but that is to be expected.

Congratulations Josh and Kristi and welcome baby Lucas.

Here are a few pictures of our newest grandson. By the way, Lucas was born on the same day as our oldest grandchild, Natalie, who is now 9 years old.

1 comment:

Laura K. said...

Congratulations to Josh and Kristi! Lucas is adorable (and Natalie was happy to get a new cousin for her birthday!).
Laura, Brian, Nat and Andrew