Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Update on what we have been doing.....

Well thought it was time we posted something about our recent adventures.
Since the last posting, everything is still going well with the development of Baby J. The 2nd ultrasound is scheduled for March 26th. Maybe the picture they get this time will be a little clearer. We look forward to seeing the photo. Kristi is feeling better with more energy and they can feel the movement of Baby J now. So that is very exciting for Josh and Kristi.
We got news this month that my sister, Deannie, in Yakima has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has undergone surgery to remove the tumor and lymph nodes and feel confident they got all of the cancer cells. There were none found in the lymph nodes. There is still another test they have to run before Chemo is ruled out. At this date, when she heals from the surgery, she will go through radiation and will be taking a anti-estrogen medication. Deannie has a bright and positive attitude about this and is determined to beat it. With all our positive thoughts and prayers we can help her in what she calls a "journey" that will have a wonderful ending.
This month we took a day trip south of Mazatlan to a little Mexican village,Teacapan with a population of 3,000. It has yet to be "discovered" and the beach resorts there remain quite retreats for lovers of sun, sand, simple lodges and super-fresh seafood. It is less than an hour from Maz (31 miles, 51 km). We had lunch with our good friends, Dick and Jan, at the famous Senor Wayne's Restaurant on the village bay front. We tried a fish called "zarandeado". It was grilled over a mango wood fire. Just delicious!! This village is also a great place to view nesting swarms of pelicans, egrets, and commorants at Bird Island. We have to go back for this viewing as it wasn't quite the time of year for these swarms.
Along the way to Teacapan, we saw groves and groves of Mango trees.
These banyan trees, which we saw many of too, are so huge.

On the road to Teacapan we saw fields of chili peppers drying.

Entrance to the village of Teacapan.

The zarandeado grilled over the mango wood fire at Senor Wayne's Restaurant.
It was Dick's birthday. He received this bottle of liquor"Damiana". Great in margaritas!! If you look closely you can tell the bottle is in the shape of pregnant lady. The liquor is derived from the damiana herb grown in Baja California, Mexico. It, supposedly, has the ability to enhance fertility. It was also used as a aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization. The tradition here in Mexico today, is that the mother-in-law of the bride will give this as a gift to her on her wedding day.
Bano at Senor Wayne's Restaurant
As with all Mexican villages/towns, here is Teacapan's catholic cathedral.
Inside the cathedral.

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