Tuesday, June 12, 2007

As we await the arrival of our guests....

We are busy getting our air conditioning adjusted just right for our next guests that will arrive on Friday, June 15. Just three more days and Jake and Jackie and Jessica and Serena will be here. It has really warmed up here in Mazatlan. Daytime temps in the mid 80's with about 75% humidity. We have starting using our air conditioning and trying to figure out what the best temp overall should be. We don't have central air down here. We have a thermostat in the living area, one in the master and one for the 2 guests rooms. This type of air helps with the cost of electricity which is very expensive down here. It's a little tricky to get it comfortable throughout. We've tried to just use it at night but finding we're using it more during the day now. So we're hoping that the temps won't be too uncomfortable for our guests.

Another potential problem for our guests is the arrival of the jelly fish. Lots of them on the beach and in the water. So we'll have to be careful. We understand a jelly fish sting can be quite painful. There hasn't been anyone on the beach all week. We do have the pool so that is probably where we will be spending most of our time to cool down.

The sea turtles are again coming ashore at night to lay their eggs. We hope they will come ashore again while the kids are here.

The pictures I have included in this post are:

The first photo are flowering trees that are blooming all over the Plazuela Machado. They are just beautiful. I am not sure what they call them but I think I heard it was "Golden Rain". Not sure on that though. The blooms remind me of Wisteria flowers.

The second photo is an Egret (type of Heron) in the wild life reservoir just a few blocks from our condo. There are even crocodiles in this reservoir. One day when we were walking by we saw the head of one emerge. Was pretty scary.

The last three are photos of our deserted beach. For as far as you can see, up and down the beach, it's empty. As I mentioned this is due to the jelly fish that have arrived. If you look closely at the last of the three photos you will see a white flag. That means "caution jelly fish". We hope this season will pass soon.

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