Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hurricane John

Many of you have probably heard about Hurricane John that has been hitting the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Thursday night, August 31st, about 9:30 we got some of the weather as John was heading up the coast and due to hit Cabo on Friday, September 1. The winds, rain, thunder and lightning were very intense. Can’t imagine what it must be like in an actual hurricane. The wind was coming from every direction and the torrential rain lasted for about an hour. The thunder was a loud clapping sound and the lightning lit up the ocean and sky just like daytime. The ocean was swirling and churning from every direction. It was quite a storm. For the past two days now it has been overcast and raining with a little thunder now and then. The Mexican people have told us that sometimes these hurricanes can turn around and pass through again. Don’t know if that is true or if they were just trying to scare us Americanos.

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