Thursday, November 16, 2006

Torres Mazatlan Palapa Restaurant & Bar remodeled

These are pictures of the newly remodeled palapa restuarant/bar area at Torres Mazatlan. This is our timeshare here in Mazatlan where we have vacationed for many years. We were there for dinner last evening and found the remodel has been completed and is just beautiful! Some of you have vacationed here and we thought you might enjoy seeing these pictures. The bar is more spacious and now is separate from the restaurant, so that is really nice. There is new lighting in the restaurant and the wall you see with the lighted arches is where the bar was formerly.

The restaurant is putting on a Thanksgiving dinner for all of us gringos and we have reservations for 4:00. A couple from Maple Valley, Ed & Rosella, who have moved down here too and are our neighbors, will be joining us too. So we'll see if mexican turkey dinner is any different from the turkey in the states. We'll let you know.

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