Monday, November 30, 2009

Trip to Mexico

After spending Thanksgiving with our children in the Seattle area, we're at the end of our 3rd day traveling to Mexico. Tonight we're staying in Lake Havasu, Arizona at the London Bridge Resort. It's been a great trip so far. Haven't seen rain since we were in Seattle, no snow, no fog -just haven't been any weather issues at all.

We will travel to Green Valley tomorrow, then cross the border on Wednesday, stay the night in Navajoa, Mexico and arrive in Mazatlan on Thursday. The weather is getting warmer and warmer as we head south. It was 71 when we arrived in Lake Havasu today. Just feels so wonderful!! We've heard it rained in Mazatlan today so maybe that will bring the temps down a little.

For those of you viewing our blog for the first time, please click on Las Gavias Club Residencial under Links at the bottom right. Enjoy!

As we get closer to Maz, I will post more about our trip. Adios!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving/Pre-Christmas with the kids

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Josh and Kristi's home in Renton and a Pre-Christmas gathering at Jessica and Jordan's home. Was soooo much fun.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Change of plans

We're now going to head south on Saturday, November 28th. After Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas with my kids in Renton, we will head south from there instead of coming back home first. This way, if the pass isn't good, we won't have to go over it twice. Spending today, Monday, with Mom and Al and tomorrow evening with Deannie and Scott and then we'll be off to Renton on Thanksgiving morning. Dinner is at 1:00 so going to need to leave early. Have three days, two of which I work, to finish my Christmas letter, Christmas cards and get them in the mail as the mail service in Mexico isn't very fast, would really like family and friends to receive our card "this Christmas". Also, last minute packing and remembering all we need to do to leave our place here in Yakima for 6 months. Well gotta get busy.

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay tuned for posts of our adventures along our way to Mexico next week. Have a great "Gobble Day"!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre-holiday visit from the kids

The kids table is set for our dinner with everyone.

The adult table is set too.

Natalie and her mom, Laura, enjoying a little coloring while they wait for dinner.

Andrew watching tv while he waits.

And dinner is served. We had baked ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls and pumpkin and apple pies with cool whip for dessert.

Then the grandkids opened their Christmas presents from us.

Andrew was so happy with his K'nex airplane and helicopter.

Brian, Andrew's daddy, helps him put his airplane together.

Grandpa and Melanie, Justin's mommy, help him put his K'nex spider together.

Laura and Natalie getting to know each other with the "Mom and Me" book.

Andrew's finished K'nex airplane.

Brian and Andrew

Melanie and Justin

Another project for Andrew and his daddy.

We woke up to about an inch of snow. Natalie making snowballs.

Natalie and cousin Justin.

Andrew's finished helicopter.

Natalie getting warmed up after playing in the snow.

And enjoying a cup of hot cocoa.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just a few more days......

Si!! Just a few more days and we'll be headed to Mazatlan. We are hoping to leave on Sunday, November 30th after trying to fit in many visits with family and friends before we head south. We will miss everyone during the holidays but hope to be with them next year.

We are looking forward to some nice warm temps and our beautiful view and sunsets from our condo terrace and, of course, a few margaritas here and there. So stay tuned for lots of photos of our 2010 adventures in Maz. Adios!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Yakima Granwood Estates condo progressive dinner

On Saturday, November 7th we participated in the first progressive dinner at our condo here in Yakim. We enjoyed an evening of delicious food, drink and socializing with 10 of our neighbors. It was really fun and we would love to do it again next year. Here are some pics of our great evening.

We started out at Tim and Laurie's condo for hors D'oeuvres. They prepared BBQ Pork, Shrimp Cocktail, ham wrapped pickled asparagus w/cream cheese and apples w/carmel cream cheese. They were really delicious.
From left, Cheryl, Laurie (our hostess for hors D'oeuvres), Barb and Katie.

From left, Tim, Marilyn and Greg.

Me and our hostess, Laurie

Then we were off to Wayne and Carol's for salad. They prepared a great green salad and cole slaw. This is Carol, our salad hostess.

Greg and Tim enjoying Carol's delicious salad.

From left, Laurie, Mick, Susan and Cheryl.

Then we were off to Cheryl's condo, middle, for our main course. Katie on the right.

The main course was ham, potatoes and green bean casserole.
From left, Susan, Marilyn, Laurie, Barb and Katie.

From left, Tim, Mick, Carol, Greg and Cheryl.

Del & Barb's condo was our last stop for dessert. Barb prepared a yummy strawberry tiramisu and a decadent chocolate turtle cake.

Barb sending some dessert home with Carol.

Barb serving the decadent chocolate turtle cake.

Barb and Laurie

Tim and Laurie

Mick and Susan

And guess who? :)